Friday, October 18, 2013

Open House slide show

Here it is! Enjoy!!

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Weekly News 10-15-13

Friday Highlights
Mrs. Smith’s 1-2’s                                               Week of 10/15/13
Reading: This week I introduced the comprehension strategy of visualizing. We used the author’s words to see, hear, feel, taste and (sometimes) smell the story! Students used their reader’s notebooks to draw what they were visualizing. We also started a new read aloud, Lulu and the Brontosaurus.
Fundations: We continued to review glued sounds -am, -an and the pattern for buddy letters; f,l, and s. Level 2 students reviewed glued sounds -ang, -ing, -ong,-ung,-ank, -ink, -onk, -unk. During Daily 5 Word Work routines students use their trick word lists and unit words for practice.
Math: First grade Students worked on geometry including learning the names for hexagon, rhombus and trapezoid and tried to fill shapes using fewer and more in a shape.
Second grade We practiced reading, writing and representing with expanded notation 3 digit numbers. We also worked on geometry with 2 and 3 dimensional shapes.  We also practiced doubles and subtraction facts.
Writing: This week we dug deeper into the writing of Jane Yolen in her beautiful small moment narrative, Owl Moon. We looked for parts of the text that were powerful and discussed why it was powerful and how Jane Yolen made it powerful. We tried out some of her craft in our own pieces.
Science/Social Studies: Students completed their magnet investigations and wrote up their work using the sentences starters; I think___________because and I wonder_____________.
Literature: A Particular Cow, Night Noises by  Mem Fox  
   “Five Little Owls” poem
Weekly News “Bats”             
New read aloud; Lulu and the Brontosaurus by Judith Viorst
  • We had a great time at Grenier’s on Thursday
  • Pumpkins will come home next week.

Have a Great Weekend! :) Jo-Anne Smith 802-310-0824

Monday, October 14, 2013

Friday Highlightsn 10/7/13

Friday Highlights
Mrs. Smith’s 1-2’s                                               Week of 9/30/13
Reading: The Daily 5 is now is full swing. Students have 3 or 4 rotations Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday we do science in the morning.  I have met with small groups of students to set some group strategy goals and group norms for the next several weeks. These groups will stay together until Thanksgiving break. We added two new strategies to our CAFE menu; monitor and fix-up and voracious reading for fluency.  
Fundations: We continued to review glued sounds -am, -an and the pattern for buddy letters; f,l, and s. Level 2 students reviewed glued sounds -ang, -ing, -ong,-ung,-ank, -ink, -onk, -unk. During Daily 5 Word Work routines students use their trick word lists and unit words for practice.
Math: First grade Students worked on combinations for 8, 9, and 10 they also completed an assessment.  
Second grade We worked on combinations to 20 and addition and subtraction story problems. Students completed an End of Unit Assessment and we began Unit 2 with some work on subtraction facts and how they connect to addition facts.
Writing: We used the book, Night of the Veggie Monster, as another example of a wonderful small moment narrative with rich descriptive language. Students revised their stories by adding more detail to show what things looked like in their stories, revised their endings to create more satisfaction for the reader and used a checklist to set goals for their stories.
Science/Social Studies: After choosing three good investigative questions students developed a plan for their investigation, I will……… and created a short materials list for their investigation, I need….... They also watched online videos and interacted with an AV2 (online resources) book from our library on the topic of Magnetism.
Literature: Night of the Veggie Monster , Little Dog, Lost by  Marion Dane Bauer   
  Magnetism by Melvin Berger  “Have You Ever Seen a Magnet?” poem
Weekly News “America The Beautiful”              
  • Open House: Wednesday October 9th, 6pm
  • Picture Day for our class: Wednesday October 9th
  • Please see attached note from Alison Conyers about birthday treats

Have a Great Weekend! :) Jo-Anne Smith 802-310-0824